Thursday, February 14, 2008

The glorious Hoon!

I received the stickers already. These are from Hoon.She knows i love scrapbooking and stickers. She bought these for me and pass to Ah Leng, when Ah Leng visited Singapore last year. She did mentioned she wanted to buy for me but i did not knew that she already did. It was a surprised. Ah Leng only manage to pass it to me last night.Thank you very muchie, the glorious Hoon! muaks!

2 craps:

Constance Chan said...

OMG! did i buy all that? unconsciously how come all hearts one ha? hahahaah so funny lah..

anyway YOU'RE WELCOME! tks for the publicity.. smmmooooch

Dragon said...

haiyao... kek si wa... i left comment liao and it comes out error.

i passed to her on the good timing hor.... a day before the valentines. ngam ngam hor since all the stickers are "heart" one....
