I think you guess should have guess wat movie i watched last night. Ya, you are right i watched The Game Plan.The Rock is a famous quarterback who, as a bachelor, likes to work hard and play hard. But his party-hearty lifestyle is upended when the 7-year-old daughter (Madison Pettis) he never knew he had shows up on his doorstep. Suddenly, all the ladies in his life, including his intense agent (Kyra Sedgwick), have to take a backseat to the little girl. The show was funny and the little girl was very cute. From this movie, i get to know that The Rock had a good voice. He sang Elvis' "Are you Lonesome Tonight?".I was wondering if he might release an album in future. The soundtrack in these movie mostly are Elvis' song.
I was the fan of The Rock ever since i started watching WWF back in high school. Wednesday 11.pm TV3, WWF smack down.... But had stop watching ever since The Rock appear less. i still remember a few wrestlers The Hardy Boys, Triple H, Chris Jerricho, Rikishi- the big ass guy...Stone Cold, Undertaker, The Kane...And i hate Kurt Angle and Christ Bennoit. Every week was eager to see The Rock in action....The Rock's stare, The Rock's eye brow, The Rock's Slam, and The Rock's bottom........
3 craps:
not yet watch. will download and watch.
i also havent watch yet.... but i have no plan 2 watch it lor..... c how 1st...... since u say nice.... can consider it lor......
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