Kanineh~~ chao cb~~~ geram nia........ I was blogging for this post, then i dunno wat i press all the contents dissapear.....mah lei~~ ok...(cool down) I started with today i had to wake up early..........(cut the crap)..........ok..ok..ok.. Today i had to fast for blood test. No one fetch me, so had to take bus. First time take Rapid, very little seats but spacious.
Reached CAPD unit around 11.30p.m.........then staff nurse mumbling say why i come at this peak hour cos quite number of patients come for their recormon shots and CAPD training( kns... how am i suppose to know they are coming oso)...............Anyway , thank god! Staff nurse Lim is not around......if she's around she sure scold me... this staff nurse lim a bit the tak betui one, "uh si ho ho, uh si tau hong".sometimes talk to you nicely and sometimes scold you for no reason..... And she looks like Ms Ang ( my discipline teacher in high school)...
Staff nurse gave me this after my blood test:What is this thingy? This is to collect my 24 hours urine. Means next wed, all my "jio" (urine) have to be in this thingy. So i better stay at home whole day next wed, if not i kenot "pangjio" in this thingy. It's kind of embarrasing to take this thingy and walk around, so i asked staf nurse for a plastic bag, but she don't have. And i didnt carry any bags that could fit this thingy, then i saw my dressing paper bag.........this could fit , i think.............and yes! it can fit....hahah
At work, i was told yesterday, that my lau pan (boss) wan to had a meeting with me. (been thinking hard, wat the meeting gonna be about).. When i enter the office........i saw there's a new guy.......but not sure wat his post..........cos my company had vacancy for sales & marketing and graphic designer. And lau pan and Shirley (lau pan's PA) is no where to be seen. Later i saw him and Shirley coming down the stairs. I printout the website layout that i planned and brief thru with my lau pan and that new guy. After my briefing.........lau pan only intro me to that new guy "Ken"....lau pan describe him as my partner...tall and handsome.......(pls la..lau pan.......he is not my type, my type is short and dark like my hubby...wakakakka). So this Ken guy was obiviously the sales and marketing guy lo.......we have to assist each other..
After work, went to bet on lottery, cos Joanne and Ah B say out this number: 729 throughout the karaoke session... So i tot bet small small see can win or not..............but i jus check the result........apa pun tak ada..........bayang pun tak ada........ but hubby's number terbalik lei.....he bet on 936 then da ma cai result:third prize: 693..aiyo..............kiam kiam lo......... I seldom bet lottery, dun really like waste money on gambling because i seldom won........ waste my RM 5 nia... can eat my fav Home Spicy Chicken Rice liao lo...
I had my last dinner cum supper today:
Fried Oyster (Oh Chean)
When i mention Last dinner cum supper means i am not going to take oily foods for quite sometimes ( not i am not gonna have dinner or supper anymore). Been eating too much meats and oily stuff lately..........its time to do detoxing( say only dunno can survive with only veggie and fruits)..hehehhe.......So good bye oh chean...my love~~ and wantan~~sweetheart~~ its time to part~~but i believe time will bring us back together~~~ adios~
p/s: actually hio, i forget to check the draft...my previous post was in the draft.....lol.. next time i will remember to check.......
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